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Movement of the People

R. Hoffmann, Science, 280, 386-387 (Apr. 17, 1998).

Doebereiner'­s Lighter

R. Hoffmann American Scientist, 86(4), 326-329 (1998).

The Say of Things

R. Hoffmann and P. Laszlo, Social Research, 65 (3), 653-693 (Fall 1998); excerpts translated into Italian by Sylvie Coyaud as \"Per una Nova Chimica delle Idee,\" Il Sole 24 Ore, 29 Nov. 1998, p.32; (in German, translated by Christiana Goldmann) in Von Verstândnis der Natur, ed. Matthias Kross, Berlin: Akademie Verlag (2001).

Serendipity, the Grace of Discovery

R. Hoffmann, Drug Innovation and Approval 1, 28-31 (Dec. 1998).

A Really Moving Story

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist, 87(1), 21-23 (1999).

The Essence of Nature in the Art of Charles Seliger

R. Hoffmann in Charles Seliger, the Nascent Image, Exhibition Catalogue, Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, New York (1999).

Pulse, Pump and Probe

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist, 87, 308 (1999).

Exquisite Control

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist 88, 14 (2000).

Ferrocene: Ironclad History or Rashomon Tale?

P. Laszlo and R. Hoffmann, Angewandte Chemie 39(1), 123-124 (2000).

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