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The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry book cover

The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry

R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann, Verlag Chemie and Academic Press, Weinheim and New York, 1970

Metamict State Book Cover

The Metamict State

University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1987

Solids and Surfaces a Chemists view of bonding in Extended Structures book cover

Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist's View of Bonding in Extended Structures

R. Hoffmann, VCH, New York, 1988. Translated into Russian by A. L. Tchougreev, Mir, Moscow, 1990

Gaps and Verges book cover

Gaps and Verges

University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1990

Chemistry Imagined book cover

Chemistry Imagined

Roald Hoffmann and Vivian Torrence, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1993; published in Chinese, Shanghai Scientific and Technological Education Publishing House, Shanghai, PRC

The Same and not the Same book cover

The Same and Not the Same

Columbia University Press, New York, 1995

Old Wine New Flasks Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition book cover

Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition

Roald Hoffmann and Shira Leibowitz Schmidt, W.H. Freeman, New York, 1997

Memory Effects book cover

Memory Effects

Calhoun Press, Chicago, 1999

A play by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann. Published by VCH in 2001, with numerous translations in other languages.


A play by Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann. Published by VCH in 2001, with numerous translations in other languages.

Soliton book cover


Truman State University Press, Kirksville, MO, 2002

Catalista Poemas Escogidos book cover

Catalista: Poemas Escogidos

Huerga & Fierro Editores, Madrid, 2002

Izdatel’stvo Tekst, Moscow, 2010; Bilingual edition, Russian/English; translations mainly by Alla‏‏‎ Mikhalevich and Victor Fet.

Roald Hoffmann Izbrannie Stichotvorenia

Izdatel’stvo Tekst, Moscow, 2010; Bilingual edition, Russian/English; translations mainly by Alla‏‏‎ Mikhalevich and Victor Fet.

cover art of book

Beyond the Finite: The Sublime in Art and Science

Edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011. Originally published in German as Das Erhabene in Wissenschaft und Kunst: Űber Vernunft und Einbildungskraft, ed. Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte,Editions Unseld (Suhrkamp), Berlin, 2010.

a play, published  here in a bilingual English and Spanish edition  (2011) by Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela


a play, published  here in a bilingual English and Spanish edition in 2011 by Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela. Hebrew, Russian and German editions are also available.

cover art of book

Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry

Edited by J. Kovac and M. Weisberg, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.

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Joy Goswami: Selected Poems

edited by Roald Hoffmann, translated by several, Whale & Star Press, distr. Univ. Nebraska Press, 2013

Play, published 2015, by Dos Madres Press

Something That Belongs to You

Play, published 2015, by Dos Madres Press

Zazzou (Weeds) Book Cover

Zassou (Weeds)

A poem, “A Kyushu Weed Story,” is the subject of a Japanese language children’s book, “Zassou”(“Weeds”), by Roald Hoffmann and Mika Yoshizawa, published by Imajinsha in Tokyo in 2018.

Constants of the Motion book cover

Constants of the Motion

Dos Madres Press, Loveland OH, 2020

Los Hombres y las Moleculas

Los Hombres y las Moleculas

Bilingual selection of poems, translated and edited by Luisa Pastor. Published  by Auralaria Ediciones, Orihuela, Spain, 2023