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Fraudulent Molecules

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist, 85(4), 314-317 (1997).

Thalidomide, at What Price?

 R. Hoffmann, New York Times, Sept. 25, 1997, p. A31. Reprinted, in modified form, in Italian (tr. Sylvie Coyaud), in Il Sole - 24 Ore, Nov. 23, 1997.

How Can One Speak to All?

R. Hoffmann, Chemie Heute, 116-118 (1997).

Mind the Shade

 R. Hoffmann, Chemical and Engineering News, 75, 3 (Nov. 10, 1997).

Disbelief, Poetry, and Religion

R. Hoffmann, Rendezvous (Idaho State University Journal of Arts and Letters), 31(2), 5-18 (1997).

Crystal-Cloudy, Crystal-Clear

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist, 86(1), 15-18 (1998).


R. Hoffmann in At the Johnson, 1-2 (Winter/Spring 1998).

Kenichi Fukui

R. Hoffmann, Nature, 391, 750 (Feb. 19, 1998).

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