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Poems Published in Journals

Grand Unification

Triquarterly, 72, 50 (1988). Also in Verse and Universe. Poems About Science and Mathematics, ed. K. Brown, Milkweed Editions.


Southwest Review, 73, 273 (1988); Current Contents, 31 (51/52), 7 (1991); (translated into Spanish by Carlos Chimal), Avance y Perspectiva, 11, 384 (1992); also in La Jornada, Semanal, May 24, 1998, p. 16; The New Theater Review, 11, 16 (1994); (translated into Polish by Magdalena Stefanska-Steven), in Gazeta Malarsky/Poetów p.19 (2002).


Thirteen, VI(3), 37 (1988); Glass Technology, 34(2), 84 (1993); (translated into Croatian), Velikane na_e epohe (Zagreb: 1994), p. 321; (translated into Croatian by Nenad Trinajstic) Ogledi o Znanosti i Znanstvenicima (Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska, 1998).

The 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics

Images, 13(3), 4 (1988). In R. Hoffmann and V. Torrence, Chemistry Imagined, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington 1993, pp. 112-113.

Stretch Marks

Negative Capability, VIII(3), 37 (1988).


Prairie Schooner, 63(2), 26 (1989).

Survival Techniques

Prairie Schooner, 63(2), 27 (1989).

What We Have Learned About the Pineal

The Jacaranda Review, IV(1), 155 (1989). also in Verse and Universe. Poems About Science and Mathematics, ed. K. Brown, Milkweed Editions.

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