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Poems Published in Journals


in M.A. Safir, Ed., Connecting Creations: Science-Technology-Literature-Arts, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (2000). Also translated into Spanish in the Spanish edition by Carlos Quiroga.

Why I Didn't Visit the Camp

in M.A. Safir, Ed., Connecting Creations: Science-Technology-Literature-Arts, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (2000). Also translated into Spanish in the Spanish edition by Carlos Quiroga.

Oligopoem, or les 'Mers

in M.A. Safir, Ed., Connecting Creations: Science-Technology-Literature-Arts, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (2000). Also translated into Spanish in the Spanish edition by Carlos Quiroga.

The Philosopher's Stone Found in January

in M.A. Safir, Ed., Connecting Creations: Science-Technology-Literature-Arts, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (2000). Also translated into Spanish in the Spanish edition by Carlos Quiroga.

Here's What the Wind Can Do

in M.A. Safir, Ed., Connecting Creations: Science-Technology-Literature-Arts, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (2000). Also translated into Spanish in the Spanish edition by Carlos Quiroga.

Singing in the Rain

Provence, New Letters 67 (1), 34-35 (2000).

Dream Corps

The Massachusetts Review 63(4), 567 (2002).


The Kenyon Review (2002), pp. 42-43.

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