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Poems Published in Journals

Fritz Haber

 in R. Hoffmann and V. Torrence, "Chemistry Imagined", Smithsonian Institition Press, Washington 1993, p. 92-94; translated into Italian by Vincenzo Schettino, in “La Decima Musa”, V. Schettino. Firenze University Press, 2016, p. 164-5..

The Bering Bridge

New England Review, 14(4), 191 (1992); in Writing on Air, ed. D. Rothenberg & W.J. Pryor, MIT Press, 2003; in M.A. Safir, Ed., Connecting Creations: Science-Technology-Literature- Arts, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (2000). Also translated into Spanish in the Spanish edition by Carlos Quiroga; in Russian, transl. V. Fet, Svyaz Vremyon, 3, 360 (2011); Mosty, No.

Constants of the Motion 2020

Constants of the Motion is Roald's fifth poetry collection, published by Dos Madres Press, Loveland OH, in 2020. The Table of Contents of this book is in file appended. It is in print in 2024. Some of the poems have been published in journals -- those you can find  in Poems Published in Journals. For the others, buy the book! It's pretty cheap...  


This is Roald's fourth poetry collection, published by Truman State University Press in 2002.  The book is out-of-print, but available on the usual used book sites. The full text is reproduced in a PDF file "SOLITON complete text" below. Also provided is a file with Table of Contents of book.

       The book contained a number of poems published in journals before, but roughly half of the poems in the book were not yet published at the time. These (the ones published only in book) are listed below, and separate downloadable files attached:


This is Roald's third collection, published by Calhoun Press in Chicago in 1999 in soft and hard cover.  The book is out-of-print, but available on the usual used book sites. The full text is reproduced in a PDF file "Memory Effects complete text" below.

       The book contained a number of poems published in journals before, but roughly half of the poems in the book were not yet published at the time. These (the ones published only in book) are listed below, and separate downloadable files attached.



This is Roald's second collection, published by University Presses of Florida in 1990.The book is out-of-print, but available on the usual used book sites. The full text is reproduced in a PDF file " Gaps and Verges complete contents" below.

       The book contained a number of poems published in journals before, but most poems were not yet published at the time. These (the ones published only in book) are listed below, and separate downloadable files attached.




In 1987, University Presses of Florida published The Metamict State,  Roald's first poetry collection. The book is out-of-print, but available on the usual used book sites. The full text is reproduced in a PDF file "The Metamict State complete text" below.

       The book contained a number of poems published in journals before, but most poems were not yet published at the time. These (the ones published only in book) are listed below, and separate downloadable files attached:


sap pitch and resin

Scientific American, Sept. 2021, p. 23

To the Flame, To the Flame

(translated into Italian by Renato Miradoli) in Golem, l’Indispensabile 1(Feb. 2003): n. pag. Online.  Internet.  Available: Zephyr (Kendal at Ithaca), Spring 2021, p. 3.

Crows over Sobibor

Ithaca Times, Feb. 3-9, 2021, p. 7

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