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Why Scientists (or Engineers) Shouldn't Run the World

R. Hoffmann, Issues in Science and Technology, VII(2), 38-39 (1991); in modified form, under the title \"Anti-Plato\" in the Bulletin of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology, 24(2) (1993).

Hot Brines in the Red Sea

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist, 79, 298-299 (1991).

"Foreword" to "Creativity, Delayed Recognition, and Other Essays: Essays of an Information Scientist"

R. Hoffmann, Foreword to Creativity, Delayed Recognition, and Other Essays: Essays of an Information Scientist, by Eugene Garfield, volume 12, ISI Press, Philadelpha, 1991, pp. xi-xii. Reprinted in Current Contents, 50, 9-10 (Dec. 23-30, 1991).

"Preface" for "Chemistry of Superconductor Materials"

R. Hoffmann, Preface for Chemistry of Superconductor Materials, ed. T.A. Vanderah, Noyes Publ., Park Ridge, 1992, pp. ix-x.


R. Hoffmann, Cornell Alumni News, 94(5), 37 (Dec. 1991). From Chemistry Imagined.

The Top Ten

R. Hoffmann, Cornell Alumni News, 94(5), 41 (Dec. 1991). From Chemistry Imagined.

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