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 R. Hoffmann & C. Djerassi, J. Chem. Ed., 78(3), 283 (2001).

Mme. Lavoisier

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist 90, 22-24 (2002); reprinted in The Nucleus 80(10) 35-38 (2002).

On Poetry and the Language of Science

R. Hoffmann, Daedalus, 137-140 (Spring 2002); reprinted in Poiema, Kolkata, India (2004).


R. Hoffmann, American Scientist 90, 318-320 (2002).

Infinite Ideas

R. Hoffmann & S. Coyaud, Nature 416 (2002).

An American Student of A. S. Davydov in 1960-61

R. Hoffmann; in Vospominania ob Aleksandere Sergeeviche Davydove, ed. V.M. Loktev, Institut Tereticheskoi Fisiki im. N.N. Bogolyubova, Kiev, 265-266 (2002).

Why Buy That Theory?

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist, 91, 9-11 (2003); Arts & Sciences Newsletter 24(2), 3-6 (2003); The Best American Science Writing 2003, Oliver Sacks, ed., Harper Collins, New York, 222-227 (2003); trans. into Portugese in Quemica: Boletim de Sociedade Portuguesa de Quemica, 89, April-June 2003, 63-65.

Cats and Rats

R. Hoffmann, American Scientist 91, 308-310 (2003).

Unsettling Knowledge: a Poetry/Science Trialogue

R. Hoffmann, in J. Monroe, A. Fulton & R. Hoffmann, Language and Learning Across the Disciplines 6(2), 154-180 (2003).

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