Purchasing Books
The World of Chemistry video series (ISBN 1-55946-223-X) University of Maryland and the Educational Film Center, 1990. Access to The World of Chemistry disappeared for a while. Here’s the good news: The World of Chemistry videos are back, all 26 episodes. We are all grateful to Ben Horton and Karl KIstler for finding usable DVDs and uploading them.
The videos are available on YouTube: links to all 26 from https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrOivxsJAJhU5WOumgm-sNYb5FpXM-S2V. If you wish to search for individual programs, I found “Program Title World of Chemistry” works best.
And on archive.org: https://archive.org/details/TheWorldOfChemistry which gives access to all 26 videos. Searching on them individually is less easy; they are under the Community Video category.
Let’s hope they’ll stay on. The background is this: I had no rights in the videos, those were held by the producers, Educational Film Center and University of Maryland, with their distribution subsequently contracted out to a series of distributors. A very good faith effort was made by me to get the rights and distribute the videos. No response ever came. I interpreted this as permission to distribute and use the videos in any noncommercial way.
In addition to the online versions you can access, I have, thanks to Ben, the contents in several other formats: 1. 4 DVD’s with the programs. 2, A DVD with Computer File Versions. 3. A USB Drive with the DVD Iso raw image files, Computer playable video files, and PDF Transcripts.
Chemistry Imagined , Roald Hoffmann and Vivian Torrence (ISBN 1-56098-539-9) Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1993. Hard and soft-back. Out-of-print, but available from used book sources.
The Same and Not the Same(ISBN 0-231-10139-2) Columbia University Press, New York, 1995. In print.
Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition, Roald Hoffmann and Shira Leibowitz Schmidt (ISBN 0-7167-2899-0) Henry Holt and Company. Out-of-print, available cheaply on web; also may be ordered from Roald Hoffmann.
Oxygen, Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (ISBN 3-527-30413-4) John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001. In print. Orders: Customer Service at (800) 225-5945.
The Metamict State (ISBN 0-8130-0943) University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1987. Out-of-print; available from used book sources.
Gaps and Verges (ISBN 0-8130-0934-X) University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1990. Out=of=print, available inexpensively from used book sources.
Memory Effects (ISBN 0-932026-43-5) Calhoun Press, Chicago, 1999. Ou=of-print. Available from used book vendors.
Soliton (ISBN 1-931112-05-3) Truman State University Press. Out of print. Available from used book sources.
Constants of the Motion, Dos Madres Press (ISBN 978-1-953252-06-7)
Something That Belongs to You, Dos Madres Press, (ISBN 978-1-939929-31-0).
Catalista (bilingual Spanish and English) Published by Huerga y Fierro, Madrid, Spain http://www.huergayfierroeditores.com/macros-Frame-4.htm.
Roald Hoffmann Izbrannie Stichotvorenia, Izdatel’stvo Tekst, Moscow, 2010; Bilingual edition, Russian/English; translations mainly by Alla Mikhalevich and Victor Fet.
Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry (ISBN 0-19-975590-5) ed. Jeffrey Kovac and Michael Weisberg, Oxford University Press. Order online at www.oup.com/us/.
Beyond the Finite, edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte (ISBN 0-19-973769-7) Oxford University Press. Order online at www.oup.com/us/.
Joy Goswami, Selected poems, edited by Roald Hoffmann, translated by several, Whale & Star Press, distr. Univ. Nebraska Press, 2013
Roald Hoffmann's books may also be found at Barnes and Noble and Amazon., and from AbeBooks and ALibris.